MinistriesBAY CHRISTIAN SCHOOLJesus said, "Go and make disciples (learners) ..." It is the task of the church to teach people to live in this life for the next.
Education is a call on this church as it is a dire need in this land. The school is the start of a growing mission to bless this nation. The heart and then the mind is the key to the blessing of this country. we are promised that we will be transformed by the renewing of the mind.
Educate this city from 3 years olds to tertiary education.
Education is a resourse demanding endevour. Some ask how they can make a difference in the world and the answer is putting time, energy and money into developing our young people. Contact us if you fell called to help us.
Hendry and Sonja Bezuidenhout have been leading the school for the past few years and we have grown in so many ways.
Date Added: 2013-07-25 |