70 Hillcrest Drive,
Bluewater Bay
P.O. Box 61156,
Bluewater Bay, 6212
Tel: 041 466 2520
Sunday Services:
Morning Services 9 a.m.
Children's Church 9 a.m.
Bible Study 5 p.m.
Bluewater Bay Community Church is situated on the outskirts of Port Elizabeth, South Africa, in a very special seaside community. We firmly proclaim Jesus Christ as the only Son of God through whom we are saved, we believe in the Bible as the inspired word of God, we acknowledge that the Holy Spirit is actively working through believers today, we underline the importance of meetimg together to praise and worship our God, and we recognize that "cell groups" are key to church growth.

Erik & Adele Momsen on right
Senior Pastor: Erik Momsen
Youth Pastor: JP Flugel
Secretary: Catherine Marais
School Principal: Hendry Bezuidenhout